
Showing posts from May, 2023

The Age We Grew Up Wishing For

As a kid, I always dreamed about what it would be like to be... older. Not too old like my parents, but not young like my older sister. I wanted to be older, where you're still cool, but people are willing to take you seriously. Wrinkles hadn't formed yet, but maybe some kind of facial hair was surfacing above the upper lip. For a long time, I didn't know when I would become that old. How would I find out I am having the time of my life? There was no way I could be like Patrick Swayze and last until the end of Dirty Dancing,  only to reflect on the "greatest time of my life."  So, where am I going with this? This is the time. I am at the age I have always dreamed of being.  I can walk to my friend's apartment and watch West Coast NBA games until "past my bedtime." In fact, I don't have a bedtime! I get to choose! No one can tell me otherwise. I can decide when movie marathons are happening, which movies are on the docket, and how long they last.